Fight For Your Life - Amazing Motivational Speech by Walter Bond

there's a fight right around the corner,just waiting for you, you better learn how to fight, you got to get up every morning fight,clawing scratching you got to beat,depression you got to be anxiety you got,to beat the naysayers you got to beat,that little voice in your head just,telling you you're not good enough I'm,not think about fighting I'm not talking,about people I'm talking about,situations I'm talking about,circumstances

I'm talking about,opportunities but sometimes you have to,fight for,come on life let's fight let's go come,on job let's go come on career let's go,I'm gonna go to war their dream is not,going to sit there and wait for you to,come and get it you gotta chase it like,a man resist you gotta go get it but to,win fights you gotta have stamina you,gotta be ready to fight and bounce back,parts you kind of punch,jab and jab back let me tell you,something life is a series of fights the,worst thing you can do is run away from,your fights because if life is a series,of fights and you run away you just ran,away from your life we gotta fight we,gotta fight we can't lay down when you,lay down you get ran over when you bout,the fight you know fights coming your,adrenaline begins to pump your heart,begins to race your mind gets right and,say look I'm not gonna just fight I'm,gonna win this battle and suck are you,going down some of you guys up there,fighting for your life why cause the,doctor told you you have cancer,you better not feel sorry

for yourself,you bet that lay down and quit you,better get up and fight because I happy,spirit us a body good like medicine,fighting for your dreams fighting for,success when you come over the question,you raise your arm back except when you,are become bankruptcy you raise your,arms like a champ when you're divorced,raise your arms,we pick up where to go you can see the,horse coming you can see team coming you,can see being fired Coleman,you guys suck,I can't stop fighting we've gotta get up,baby you do sucker punch,get up you get hit in the gut,you gotta learn how to fight one,satellite one warhead,have it right attitude the right mindset,the right mentality not just the price,this one feel poor,let's go watch and don't you quit until,you win this fight this fight this fight,and that's fine
